Some people do not know that when they are getting a domain name registered in their name, their contact details will be registered in the domain name database called as Whois. Even most of the companies offering domain name registration service also have their own domain database that is open for the public to view. On the other hand, with many privacy issues prevailing in the society in the current circumstances, some website owners might be reluctant about providing their address open for anyone to see. This is why people these days like to have an anonymous mail ID, but they do not realize that they can still be tracked through their IP address. Still, it can offer better protection as compared to listing their original address, name and telephone or mobile phone number.
Website owners can still protect their domain name in privacy with the help of the domain privacy service offered by Ipage. You might be confused how is it possible? This service offered by the best hosting companies can mask the personal information of the website owner with generic information besides providing the full leadership of the portal to the owner. However, the viewers can send requests to get information about the contact details of the website owner and the details regarding the people requesting the information will be sent away to the website owner so that he can decide whether or not to provide the details.