
This category contains 9 posts

My Ladies’ Magazine

I love a ladies magazine that hits all kinds of womens issues. My favorite part of a particular magazine is all the outfits that they put together. They show a celebrity in an outfit, and then they show you similar outfits at a lower cost. Thats too cool! The writer of the article not only shows you the clothing items, but also where to buy the items. To go along with these outfits a woman always need to accessorize. You know handbags, shoes, scarves, jewelry, and also makeup. Well, it even shows you where to purchase these items as well … Read the rest

A Guide To False Eyelashes

If you were to go on the Internet and type in false eyelashes there would be many different styles and brands that appear for you to choose from all varying in price.

One of the main brands of false eyelashes that you will see is Eylure. Eylure offer many different styles and usually vary between 5 and 7. They offer natural lashes that can be worn day to day as well as volume lashes that are great for nights out and parties. You can also purchase Girls Aloud eyelashes, which are part of the Eylure brand.

Usually on the pack … Read the rest

Spring Hair and Makeup Tutorial: Bright and Smokey

Spring is an excellent time to whip out those bright colors. Save the golden, shimmery colors for summer and whip out those blues, greens, yellows and pinks! Think flowers in bloom and lush green landscapes.


A smokey eye is a staple in any woman’s eye makeup arsenal. It can be modified to be used in the daytime and intensified for clubbing or big events. Ignore the voice in your head that insists on always using black or brown for smokey eye looks. In this tutorial, well be using those beautiful green eyeshadows.

1. Prep your face with a foundation … Read the rest

Basic Facts On Calendula Salve

Calendula is a type of flower which is popular for its many uses. It is highly preferred due to its skin healing properties. This type of flower is excellent for individuals with sensitive skin and it can also be used on children and babies. A calendula salve is perfect for body use due to its anti-inflammatory abilities and the calming powers it has.

There area number of ailments which can be treated by this type of salve. These conditions include chapped hands, cuts and scrapes, rashes, minor burns and dry skin. In fact, this salve treats a variety of conditions … Read the rest

Learning More About Eye Curlers

Many women have already been convinced that you can look good, even without make-up. According to the eyelash curler news, this tool can assist you in achieving an attractive face, just as well. You do not need to apply harsh cosmetics often. This can actually damage your sensitive skin,if done frequently. Most of the eye shadows, liners and blush-ons have a strong chemical content, which can gradually irritate your dermis. Experts on this field will tell you that you can stay pretty, even if you have little or no make-up, at all. You can enhance you appearance by curling your … Read the rest

What You Get When You Hire Dermatology Utah Services

There are many reasons why you need to hire a dermatologist in Utah.One is to be able to get product advice. There are a lot of skin care products out in the market today and not all of them work as effectively as you would like.Some skin products are built for dry skin while others are made for day to day applications. When you have a dermatologist, you will never wonder again what product you should be using since there will be someone to advise you on those matters.

When you hire the services of a dermatologist, you are making … Read the rest

Ladies, It’s The Little Things

For some women, it’s romantic to get roses and a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, but romance isn’t limited to that sort of thing.

Romance is about expressing love in ways that matter to you and the details of the way it happens can vary widely from one couple to another.

For example, does your sweetie bring you a cup of coffee in the morning? Romance! Does he send you little text messages while you’re at work telling you that he loves you? Romance! Does he pick up his socks from the floor without being asked, just because he … Read the rest

Seeing Brazilian Models Everywhere

Many Brazilian girls look like Brazilian models. Why? Because they are very beautiful both inside and outside. Their bodies are also very toned, and are probably one of the sexiest that a man could ever lay eyes on. Why? This is because Brazilians place a very big emphasis on their health and their bodies.

It is common for a Brazilian girl to be good at at least one sport. They are very active and athletic, and they have great bodies to show for this. They love going to the gym and working out. They have a bikini body even … Read the rest

A Forecast on Prom Dresses For 2013

This year’s style is a mixture of different hues, themes and genres from futuristic to elegant, to sheer and romantic. This fashion clash is apparently what’s hot and popular among Hollywood royalties. Many young teenage girls try to imitate gowns and dresses on the red carpet for their junior-senior proms. The prom dress 2013 will most likely take on a rather more sophisticated and classic fashion. Though some of this year’s styles might still be good for the coming year, colorful hues probably will be turned back to basics, earth tones, darker and richer hues or black. Prom dresses for … Read the rest


