
This tag is associated with 3 posts

The Worst Case Scenario

You may have heard penny auction is a great source of bargain priced products. As such you decided to try your hand out at it and register yourself. You buy a bid pack and start bidding. Guess what, you even win a product too! You pay the final price of the product and the shipping charges and the wait for the product to arrive. You wait and wait and after a few weeks you realize that something is wrong. You frantically try to contact the customer support only to realize that the site has gone out of the face of … Read the rest

Penny Auctions Site, Hot Or Risk?

There is no dearth of people looking down on the concept of penny actions. While there are many who think that penny auctions are worse than throwing away your money. Some argue that while risky, they are giving out great deals. Penny auction are risky because they would make you invest a sum of money first up before you can start bidding. This sum of money (unless the site has a buy-now option) is gone if and when you lose an auction. This is how it works. Unlike traditional auction sites here every bid involves an amount of money. This … Read the rest

Why You Should Avoid Power Bidders At All Cost

Power bidders are bidders who can go to any length just to justify their bidding and winning reputation. Many times at the start of their bidding career on a site they could be bidding on anything and everything and going great distances just to have a powerful reputation built that they are almost invincible when they decide on buying something. If you’re looking for some bargain deals and looking for a penny auction site where you can start bidding, make your research. Find out if there are any power bidders on the site and if they are then what are … Read the rest


