online sexual harassment training

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Have More Than 50 Employees In California? Satisfy AB1825 With Online Harassment Training

Sexual harassment training is a potentially advisable compliance tool for all companies. Not only is it the right thing to do, an effective sexual harassment training program reduces the risk of incidents that could give rise to lawsuits and, in the event of a lawsuit, helps the company by establishing that the company as a whole was committed to preventing sexual harassment. In addition, in California, sexual harassment training is mandatory for companies above a certain size pursuant to ab 1825.

If you have more than 50 personnel in California, including part time employees and contractors, did you know that … Read the rest

Key Challenges In Compliance Training

While it is necessary to conduct compliance training, many organizations just go through the motions. They do not want the employees away from the workplace, as it has an effect on the productivity and deliverables of the company. Furthermore, the participants may not find the training material interesting, so they may not absorb the importance of the training session. This can limit the results of the training and may not give the outcome that the trainer anticipated.

Trainers need to work hard to make employees understand that not knowing a law is not a reason to break it. Hence, making … Read the rest


